Friday, November 6, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Personal Thoughts on the MUET Colloquium

The R & D on wildlife conservation was a great hit among the Lower Science Three students. I am glad to know that 26 young adults are going to fight for the rights of animals, from now on. The positive response from them is truly very encouraging. I asked them to share their personal response/review on the R & D (while remaining anonymous) and it is encouraging to note that not only did the research help to raise awareness among them on the issues related to wildlife, it also made them appreciate the decision they made in doing the Pre-U Programme. I really didn't expect the MUET research to have such a profound impact on them. it is indeed a motivation for me to conduct more studies such as this that would help create awareness on certain prevailing issues as well as to help them improve in the four skills of the English Language.
Their level of confidence is higher now and the research has also helped the class to work as a team. It has managed to bring them closer as classmates and i feel this is a significant 'by-product' of the research. In their personal reviews, i noticed that most of them mentioned that while carrying out the research, all of them were able to cooperate with each other and that formed a stronger bond among them.
In a nutshell, the whole thing wasn't purely academic. It helped to develop the students as individuals and to do some serious soul-searching about wildlife and how they can contribute in a small way to help protect and save them.
The real punch was when they told me that they have decided to adopt an animal online. It is really great to know that these young people are willing to go the extra mile to show their support for the conservation of wildlife.
To all those who attended the colloquium and gave your support and comments; a BIG thanks. To those who are interested in viewing it, you can get a copy of the cd once it is ready. Do visit LS3's blog (link at the bottom of this page) to read further on their personal feelings about the colloquium.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Animals Have Rights!

I dedicate this blog to all the magnificent creatures created by The Almighty. Animals have never failed to fascinate me. Sometimes when i look at beautiful birds and leopards and tigers....i see God as an artist...the greatest artist that only He could have 'painted' them so wonderfully and perfectly...going into minute details...every stroke carefully pondered upon ; every line fitting onto the animal. we only need to look at animals to reaffirm our faith in God. as they cannot exist on they own without divine intervention.
Welcome to my blog. I created this blog after being inspired by my students' class blog in 2009. I dedicate this blog: 'Tribute to Wildlife' to all the animals out there...