Thursday, April 21, 2011

Orphaned Baby Rhino...

What did this baby do to deserve this? What did its mother do to suffer in the hands of humans? 
We should hang our heads in shame for the way we treat wildlife....There is no forgiveness for poachers....if I have to give my place to go to heaven if it means a poacher would go to hell...I would gladly do that....

An act of cruelty by some members of our human species!

Poachers in Save Valley Conservancy, Zimbabwe brutally attacked a dehorned black rhino. The animal was found wandering around in pain and is being treated. The authorities should allow conservators to use weapons to address the problem of poachers.

Truly heartwrenching just to imagine the magnitude of pain and suffering  this poor animal must have endured
 :(   When will this madness stop?? Please do not buy Chinese traditional medicines that contain animal parts. Speak up against this cruelty....send an email or letter to :

Chinese Embassy in Malaysia
Ambassador: Chai Xi
Postal code: 50450
Tel: 00603-21411729, 21447652, (012)3720197
Fax: 00603-21414552, 21453924
E-mail: CN@TM.NET.MY

Poachers Gunned Down...

Rhino poachers shot dead

Apr 19, 2011 1:35 PM | By Sapa 

Two poachers have been shot dead in the Kruger National Park, in Mpumalanga, SA National Parks said.

Spokesman William Mabasa said rangers heard gunshots in the park on Monday night and went to investigate. They found the two chopping the horn from a dead rhino.

"A shoot-out ensued and the two were shot dead," he said.

Welcome to my blog. I created this blog after being inspired by my students' class blog in 2009. I dedicate this blog: 'Tribute to Wildlife' to all the animals out there...