Thursday, April 21, 2011

Orphaned Baby Rhino...

What did this baby do to deserve this? What did its mother do to suffer in the hands of humans? 
We should hang our heads in shame for the way we treat wildlife....There is no forgiveness for poachers....if I have to give my place to go to heaven if it means a poacher would go to hell...I would gladly do that....


carol_vimla said...

The word 'forgiveness' does not exist in my vocabulary when it comes to poachers...for that, I am willing to accept any punishment from God

benjamin said...

Animals have receptors too.. They will feel pain.. I hate the people who did this and I hope they will be punished and feel what the animals felt~ that will be fair

Anonymous said...

That is a gut wrenching photograph, wow. The poor little rhino. How incredibly sad this is.


Mickey Anderson said...

Poaching a Animal for its Horn or Tusk and leaving the rest of it to Rot is Disgusting. When I was in Africa I saw the Rhino and the Elephant and I couldnt imagine this. When I worked out in Yellowstone National Park the same thing happen. Some Poachers Shot Bull Elk just for their Antlers and left the remains to Rot. Swift Just Punisment for that type of Cruelity. I understand a little when people are starving and they kill for meat (bushmeat) which is another serious problem, but just for the Horn,Ivory,Antler,it is Horrible and again Severe Punishmentshould be applied. It is also horrible when a Hunter Trophey Hunts. Hunts for Horns and Antlers (Big Racks). I believe that is wrong. If you hunt, you hunt and use the Whole Animals Meat,Hide,Bone, Antler as the Natives have done for thousands of years. By the way I don't hunt. I believe the Hunter should be very Respectful to the Animal and to Nature.

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is, no matter how hard local, and outside organizations try to create an awareness on these inhumane acts of cruelty, it's the South Africa Gov't that needs to be the dominant force behind stopping this tragedy.

Greed and evilness is what drives the criminal element, and I often wonder if Greed has infiltrated the SA Gov't at certain levels. It seems there have been so many opportunities the the SA Govt could have been more proactive in the fight against poaching, but have not responded accordingly.

I'm just an outsider looking in.


Welcome to my blog. I created this blog after being inspired by my students' class blog in 2009. I dedicate this blog: 'Tribute to Wildlife' to all the animals out there...